Selected Works from the Modern Poetry Collection at ARC by bpNichol:
A Book of Variations: Love - Zygal - Art Facts. Ed. Stephen Voyce. Toronto: Coach House Press, 2013.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. B66. 2013
Aleph Unit. Toronto: Seripress, 1973
Call No: SPC PS 8527. I24. A74. 1973
Alphhabet/Ilphabet. Toronto: Seripress, 1978.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. A77. 1978
As Elected: Selected Writing. Eds. bpNichol and Jack David. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1980.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. A6. 1980
bp or JOURNEYING & the returns. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1967.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. J68. 1967
Captain Poetry Poems. blewointmentpress, 1971.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. C36. 1970
"Dada Lama," Borders in Journeying & the returns. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1967. (recording)
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. J68. 1967
Dada Lama: a sound-sequence in six parts. London: Cavan McCarthy, 1968.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. D33. 1968
Doors: To Oz & Other Landscapes. exhibition catalogue. Toronto: Vivaxis Gallery, 1979.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. D66. 1979
Door to Oz. Toronto: Seripress, 1979.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. D65. 1979
Extreme Positions. Edmonton: The Longspoon Press, 1981.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. E95. 1981
Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer. Toronto: Weed Flower Press, 1973.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. K6.
Lament: a sound poem (to the memory of d.a. levy who took his own life november 1968). Toronto: Ganglia Press, 1969.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. L36. 1969
Love: A Book of Remembrances. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1974.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. L6.
Movies. Toronto: Seripress, 1979.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. M68. 1979
Of Lines: Some Drawings. Toronto: Underwich Editions, 1981.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. O32.
"Scraptures--Fifth Sequence," Borders in Journeying & the returns. Toronto: Coach House Press, 1967. (recording)
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. J68. 1967
Still Water. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1970.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. S8
The Alphabet Game: a bpNichol reader. Eds. Darren Wershler-Henry and Lori Emerson. Toronto: Coach House Press, 2007.
Call No. SPC PS 8527. I24. A76. 2007
The Cosmic Chef Glee & Perloo Memorial Society Under the Direction of Captain Poetry Presents an Evening of Concrete Courtesy Oberon Cement Works. Ed. bpNichol. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1970.
Call No. SPC PS 8279. C67 1970
Selected Reading:
Echoes Without Saying. Ron Mann. 1983. Sphinx Productions, 1983. Documentary.
Sound Poetry: A Catalogue for the Eleventh International Sound Poetry Festival Toronto, Canada October 14 to 21, 1978. Eds. Steve McCaffery and bpNichol. Toronto: Underwich Editions, 1978.
The Sons of Captain Poetry. Michael Ondaajte. 1970. Mongrel Media, 2007. Documentary.
Andrews, Jim, Geoff Huth, Lionel Kearns, Marko Niemi, and Dan Waber. “Introduction to bpNichol’s First Screening.” Open Letter, Thirteenth Series, Number 5 (Spring 2008): 40-43.
Barbour, Douglas. bpNichol and His Works. Toronto: ECW Press, 1980.
Barthes, Roland. Image/Music/Text. New York: Hill & Wang, 1977.
----------. The Pleasure of the Text. New York: Hill & Wang, 1975.
Billingham, Susan E. Language and the Sacred in Canadian Poet bpNichol's The Martyrology. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
bpNichol. An H in the Heart: A Reader. Eds. George Bowering and Michael Ondaatje. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1994.
-----------. Meanwhile: The Critical Writings of bpNichol. Ed. Roy Miki. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2002.
-----------. "TRG Report 2: Narrative (part 5)," Open Letter, Second Series, 9 (Fall, 1974), 76.
-----------. "An Introduction" Phomes, Jukollages + Other Stunzas. Toronto: Ganglia Press, 1969.
Butling, Pauline; Rudy, Susan. Writing in Our Time: Canada’s Radical Poetries in English (1957-2003). Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005.
Confederation Centre Art Gallery & Museum. St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol. exhibition catalogue, text by Gil McElroy, Paul Dutton and Barbara Caruso. Charlottetown, 2000.
Derrida, Jacques. Of Grammatology. Trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Derrida, Jacques. Writing and Difference. Trans. Allan Bass. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978.
de Saussure, Ferdinand. Course in General Linguistics, ed. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. New York: New York Philosophical Society, 1955.
Drucker, Johanna. "Letterpress Language: Typography as a Medium for the Visual Representation of Language," Leonardo, Vol 17, 1 (1984), 8-16.
Four Horsemen. Horse d'Oeuvres. Don Mills: PaperJacks, 1975.
Fyfe, C.J. bpNichol: postmodern poet in search of agency, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Leeds, 2000.
Harvey, Roderick W. "bpNichol: the Repositioning of Language" Essays on Canadian Writing, 4 (Spring, 1976), 27-38.
Huth, Geoff. “First Meaning: The Digital Poetry Incunabula of bpNichol.” Open Letter Thirteenth Series, Number 5 (Spring 2005): 49-58.
Jaeger, Peter and Frank Davey. ABC of reading TRG. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1999.
Henderson, Brian. Radical Poetics: Dada, bpNichol and the Horsemen, Ph.D. Thesis, York University, 1982.
Knight, Alan R. Word Order/World Order: A Study of the Poetry of bpNichol, M.A. Thesis, Concordia University, 1982.
Scobie, Stephen. bpNichol: What History Teaches. Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1984.
----------. "I Dreamed I Saw Hugo Ball: bpNichol, Dada and Sound Poetry" Boundary 2, 3:1 (Fall, 1974), 18-39.
-----------. "Two Characters in Search of an Author: Michael Ondaatje, bpNichol, and Billy the Kid." Canadian Literature, 54 (Autumn, 1972), 27-38.
Dr. Seuss. On Beyond Zebra. New York: Random House, 1955.
Starnino, Carmine. “Does bpNichol’s once-revolutionary wordplay have staying power?” Maisonneuve. July 5, 2011. http://maisonneuve.org/pressroom/article/2011/jul/ 5/captain-poetry/
Thouard, Michael L. Exits and Entrances: An Examination of Selected Works of bpNichol, M.A. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1982.
Webb, Phyllis. Modern Canadian Poetry. 1966. Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal: CBC, 1967. Television.